Grassroots Democracy

Strengthening people's participation and environmental protection in Vietnam

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Building Socialism

Contributing to the ongoing debate on the political and social development in Vietnam

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Summer Camps on SET

Equipping young people with skills on Social-Ecological Transformation to address the climate crisis  

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Feminist Legal Theory

Strengthening legal education and gender equality in Vietnam

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Nothing in more precious than independence and freedom.

Ho Chi Minh (1966)

Social-Ecological Transformation, Socialism, Vietnam

Grassroots Democracy and the Environment

The implementation of environmental protection policies faces challenges on the communal level. RLS and its partner are researching ways to strengthen people’s participation and the role of grassroots democracy in shaping and achieving environmental protection.

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Social Justice, Vietnam

Feminist Legal Theory in Vietnam

Feminist Legal Theory has made crucial contributions to strengthening gender equality. The University of Economics and Law and RLS are supporting its integration into Vietnamese legal education and practice.

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Social-Ecological Transformation, Vietnam

Summer Camps on SET

RLS and its partner are hosting an annual summer camp on the Social-Ecological Transformation in order to equip Southeast Asian youth with the skills needed to address environmental issues.

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Social Justice, Vietnam

Gender Equality in People's Councils

People’s Councils across Vietnam aim to strengthen gender equality. The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and its partner are supporting them through targeted trainings and bolstering the number of women representatives.

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International Dialogue, Peace, Vietnam

Peace in Southeast Asia and Beyond

Recent years seen an increase of armed conflicts and territorial disputes. RLS and its partner, the Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation, are implementing projects to promote peace and international dialogue.

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Social Justice, Socialism, Vietnam

Working Towards Living Wages

Average wages in Vietnam remain low. In collaboration with IWTU, RLS aims to raise awareness and building capacity for trade unions and workers on the issue of living wages through trainings, workshops and research.

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More Friends, Fewer Enemies

How Vietnamese foreign policy embraces the “bamboo diplomacy” approach

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Towards Vietnamese Feminist Judgments

This book deals with theory and practice of feminist jurisprudence in Vietnam. Through a critical reinterpretation of six prominent cases, it demonstrates in which ways legal decisions can either reinforce or challenge gender inequality.

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Who was Rosa Luxemburg?

Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919) was a prominent advocate of democratic socialism in Europe and one of the great women in history. She opposed the 1914-1918 World War with all her strength and was a fervent supporter of internationalist thought. Her critique of capitalism was passionate and convincing, and she translated this into political action. She was determined to lead an independent life contrary to the narrow ideas of her time. She was an academic who earned a doctorate at a time when hardly any women attended university. As co-founder of the Communist Party of Germany, she was one of the few women active in politics. However, even her own party was not free of contemporary prejudices against women who played a role in the public sphere. Rosa Luxemburg is a martyr of the German November Revolution as her right-wing enemies killed her on 15 January 1919. We at Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung are committed to continuing her legacy of democratic socialism.

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